Tuesday, 16 November 2010

I joined to this course at the third level so, i have been learning English at the university by one year. I can say that this experience is very useful to me, because in my school prepared my in this language relatively good, so here I review some content that I forgot. But the most important thing form me was practice writening.

In the blogs I could write about different topics and improve my writening. I learned about expressions and ways to say things in English. And the most interesting thing with this activity is that I have been able to write with confidence things from my reality, and my way to talk. I think that is the way that –at least for me- made us think in English.

Unfortunately, this year is one of the busiest years in this degree. I have to prepare my documentary project, plus the general subjects. It is really hard. I would like to dedicate more time to write in the blog.

At least, I could practice, and learn a little bit more grammatical and expressions. And the most useful for me was the activity of blog.

Wednesday, 03 November 2010

- Where do people learn about enviromentally friendly practices?

I think the school and the family is the most important place where the peole learn about environmentally friendly practices. In the school the programs look at to incorporate the habit to think about environment.
The family is important too, because the place where you can PONER EN PRACTICA

- Have you incorporated recycling into your habits? Describe

In my home, we re-uses the paper to print. If someone is going to print something that is not like a report for work, we use paper that is alredy print and we turn the side of the page.

- Do you use a bike or your legs instead of a car?

I World love to come to the university by bike, but is to far from my home. I have to use Transantiago wish long 60 minutes!

- Have you joined or supported any eco-organisations? Why/Why not?

I haven’t joined to any eco-organization because i don’t have time todo voluntary job. And I don’t have supported anyone just because I haven’t enough information.

- What else have you done /would you like to do?

I really like the idea to do voluntary job in the society of animal protection. In the summer I would do it :o
Or in Campus Antumapu, where is the faculty of veterinary, where there is a group of people who take care of animals (aaaw)

Monday, 25 October 2010

Wikileaks reveals the death of 70,000 Iraqi civilians since 2003

from http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2010/10/22/internacional/1287762044.html

In WikiLeaks have been leaked important files from Pentágono. This files reveal that between 2003 to 2009 109.032 people died in Irak War, wich 66.081 was civil people. This files belongs to SIGACT: field report,written by soldiers from united state.
Those reports prove that many reports of tortures weren’t investigated by the forces of the United States. This Saturday at 11.00, in a hotel in London, WikiLeaks called the press to show these files.
The Government of United States immediately condemned the website, meanwhile the Government of Irak said “there is no surprise” in the files.
Geoff Morrell, the spokesperson of Pentagon said “the country is more vulnerable now”. And Hillary Clinton condemned the website because the leaks of documents “endanger American lives or their allies.”
Whippings, burnings and beatings
The files show hundreds of whippings, burnings, beatings and other kinds of torture, but they weren’t investigated by the soldiers of United State.
“No coalition soldier was involved in the incident” is the most repetitive phrase in the files.
In the New York Times, the spokesperson of Pentagon said that the politics of the United States “Is, and always has been, in line with international practice and the law”. So, this concerns Iraqis forces to investigate it.

Monday, 27 September 2010

When I was a child my parents let me watch just one or two hours of television. They were that “new way to be parents” who believed that television made people stupid (in some sense that’ is really true xd) and the cartoons for kids are too violent (that is not necessary true) So I couldn’t watch dragon ball…but pokemon o sailor moon were with me in my childhood (my parents didn’t recognized what is violence xd)

In my house there was cable tv, so with my brothers we had a lot of channels for kids to choose. Discovery Kids, Cartoon Network, Fun Channel, Fox Kids… but our favorite, when I was about 10 years and my brothers 7, was Nickelodeon.

Nickelodeon was known to be nerd and boring by my friends, they preferred Cartoon Network, but some cartoons of that channel scared me :S. I liked Nickelodeon because in its programming it was “Hey Arnold”… that’s was definitely THE cartoon of my childhood.

I think Hey Arnodl is the best cartoon series ever. Every character was really complex, with families, conflicts and personalities very attractive, so you could really empathize with them. Helga, Harold, Jerlad, Eugene, Grand Father Phil (L)

Also, every episode was really innovative and the characters lived in an environment not too different from ours

Hey Arnold is one of those series where you fall in love with every character and you can’t choose your favorite.

Monday, 30 August 2010

The last year I watched a documentary called Fado (directed by Carlos Saura, a Spanish filmmaking) .This documentary is one film of a trilogy directed by the same director. The other films are Flamenco and Tango.

As you can see, these movies are about different music and dances. So, Tango cames from Argentina, and Flamenco cames from Spain, so with this documentary I learn that Fado cames from Portugal.

In this documentary there are pictures of the beautiful architecture in Lisboa. White buildings, into narrow stone streets, with the sea behind them. But, what really caught my attention and made me fall in love with Lisboa was Fado.

Fado is an expression to call different kinds of music played in Portugal. The only thing that they have in common is the feeling of sadness and nostalgia, because life is hard or heart breaking etc. etc. (is like clishe xd) But ,in fact, a lot of songs of this music have the word “saudade” wish means to miss or to long for someone or something.

I love this music, I feel it is the missin link between Bossa Nova and Flamenco. It Is a beautiful music, where the voice of the fadista (mainly a woman) is the protagonist.

I would love to go to Lisboa and hear Fado alive in that beautiful city.


Monday, 23 August 2010

My experience in the first term two thousand ten was very hard. All the people who study filmmaking know that the second year of this degree is really difficult, because the subject called Taller is very demanding, and its demands a lot of time. In this year we have to make a documentary, so the first term we have to work and prepare a Documentary Project, wish it could be selected by the professors to be realized the second term. Besides to make a documentary project you have to realize the exercises of documentary (interviews, visual descriptions etc.)

But, I have to say that the last semester was difficult, but it was fruitful. I learned a lot in the subject called Comunicación Interpresonal (with professor Corrales) I learned a lot about psychology. Some people said that we, as filmmaking students, don’t have to read and learn about communication and psychology. But I think is completely necessary understand the human communication because, as professor Arancibia is teaching us, the communication and the way of thinking create the culture, the society and the relationship with the power.

And, in taller and the subject called Cine Documental, I learn about the Documentary and how complex (and beautiful I think) could be work in documentaries.

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

The first thing that I think is “I won’t be able to write three hundreds words about posting”:S I mean, I couldn’t do with the last post about a photograph xd Well, anyway, I will try xd

I think it was good. Because with this activity, creating a blog and writing every single week, I learned a little bit more about expressions and ways to say things in English. In a theory class, we learn grammatical, or pronunciation of words or sentences. And in the books, commonly used silly sentences, sometimes is ridiculous.

Sometimes I think that the people who write or designed the books to learn English, try to be “cool” or “teen” or something like that xd and they really don’t do it!

And all the students realize that. Is feel embarrassed by they, and is some kind ridiculous.

So, with the blog, I can learn writing like a chilean student, meddle-class, etc. Not learning an imperialism language with methods and technical inventing by people from the first world to try to colonized us! >.<

Jajaja, that was some theathrical, but in any or other way is true. In the books there are sentences that evidence a way of life that we don’t have. I think is more easy and near to us learning English writing about our own ways of life.

And, on the other hand, with those books we can learn about other cultures, that is always good. But anyways, we are colonized by them; they are in everywhere (6)

And, with the blogs I can know about the life and likes of my partners and mi teacher (my teacher is a very openly person, she told us about her ex-boyfriend and her groupie-friend … xD)

So that… bye :)

We wil see in the oral test :S D: