Wednesday, 30 June 2010

The first thing that I think is “I won’t be able to write three hundreds words about posting”:S I mean, I couldn’t do with the last post about a photograph xd Well, anyway, I will try xd

I think it was good. Because with this activity, creating a blog and writing every single week, I learned a little bit more about expressions and ways to say things in English. In a theory class, we learn grammatical, or pronunciation of words or sentences. And in the books, commonly used silly sentences, sometimes is ridiculous.

Sometimes I think that the people who write or designed the books to learn English, try to be “cool” or “teen” or something like that xd and they really don’t do it!

And all the students realize that. Is feel embarrassed by they, and is some kind ridiculous.

So, with the blog, I can learn writing like a chilean student, meddle-class, etc. Not learning an imperialism language with methods and technical inventing by people from the first world to try to colonized us! >.<

Jajaja, that was some theathrical, but in any or other way is true. In the books there are sentences that evidence a way of life that we don’t have. I think is more easy and near to us learning English writing about our own ways of life.

And, on the other hand, with those books we can learn about other cultures, that is always good. But anyways, we are colonized by them; they are in everywhere (6)

And, with the blogs I can know about the life and likes of my partners and mi teacher (my teacher is a very openly person, she told us about her ex-boyfriend and her groupie-friend … xD)

So that… bye :)

We wil see in the oral test :S D:

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Ok, i don't got any photograph to put here. The reason isn't becouse i think i look terrible in photos, or the photograph embarrassed me. Is just I don’t have photograph on internet of mine.

So, I have chosen my favorite female photographer. Annie Leivobitz. She is so cool, I saw her photos last year on a documentary about her. She, in her career has taken a lot of photographs of filmmaker, pop and rock singers, models, animals, deportist, actors, and politicians.

She is keep an relationship with the famous writer Susan Sontag! (OMG Susan sontag is a fucking intellectual-godess) and they meet each other when Annie taken the portrait for the book “El Sida y sus Metáforas” by Susan.

Annie starts her carrer working at Rolling Stone. In this magazine she photographed Patti Smith for the cover, in 1978.

I love this picture. It’s so powerfully, mysterious and rocker. With the fire behind of Patti, the way she looks with her transparent t-shirt, and her eyes that look into the camera.

I really love the music of patti smith, and I feel that the cover of the magazine represents her music completely!

Wednesday, 09 June 2010

It is a really hard to choose a great concert. i have been in so many really good concerts in my life.... i can't pick just one!

Well, the first wonderfull concert that i have memorie it was march, 14. In 2007. Roger Waters in Chile, performing all the Dark Side of the Moon.

Well, Roger Waters played the bass in Pink Floyd, a wonderful band who reconfigured the music in the seventies. They got a lot of greatest albums: Animals, The Wall, Meddle, Wish You Where Here… and the Dark Side of The Moon is a really master piece, I love it.

I invited my boyfriend (now ex xd) to that concert. We was just so happy, we looked like little children in Disneyworld or something. That nigh was magical… seriously xdd i mean, the music of Pink Floyd is so misterios, crazy, sublime, i don’t know. It is like a journey trhow a paralel universe…

Another concert that comes to mi mind now, is the best Chilean concert that I have been. It was in November of 2006. Manuel Garcia performed his first album like a solist. He played with a group of musicians very virtuous. In the repertory it was songs of Mecanica popular (his exgroup) songs from his album, some covers (one with Eduardo Gatti and hiis beautiful Gibson les paul *-*)

There is much more concerts… I could talk three days abaut concerts :B

Wednesday, 02 June 2010

In my life, i have been blessed by knowing many teachers who have given me much more than information.

I can’t pick just one, so I will talk about all of them (until the 200 words of course).

The first one is my teacher of language between 7th grade primary school and 1st grade high school, Montserrat Soto (la profe Monse) she was very several and exigent. But her love for the literature was what captured to me. She was very passionate by the poetry and she taught me to read poetry not just putting together word with word.

Other teacher very important to me was my philosophy teacher: Belgica. She was very shy, and serius teaching. But, when you talked with her, you can see the passionate teacher inside of her little body. Every single thing that she taught me in school has been useful to me.

Here in the Institute the first teacher that makes me pay attention 100% in the class (even Friday since 2:30 to 6:00) was the God of the Image Carlos Ossa. In his signature I have learned too much and I love his attitude: very seriuos, ironical and critical. He inspired to me to read much more than the books or chapters obligatory, but I haven’t been able to do it yet :B Anyway, ad least he have been one of the reasons because I love study filmmaking here in the institute.