Monday, 30 August 2010

The last year I watched a documentary called Fado (directed by Carlos Saura, a Spanish filmmaking) .This documentary is one film of a trilogy directed by the same director. The other films are Flamenco and Tango.

As you can see, these movies are about different music and dances. So, Tango cames from Argentina, and Flamenco cames from Spain, so with this documentary I learn that Fado cames from Portugal.

In this documentary there are pictures of the beautiful architecture in Lisboa. White buildings, into narrow stone streets, with the sea behind them. But, what really caught my attention and made me fall in love with Lisboa was Fado.

Fado is an expression to call different kinds of music played in Portugal. The only thing that they have in common is the feeling of sadness and nostalgia, because life is hard or heart breaking etc. etc. (is like clishe xd) But ,in fact, a lot of songs of this music have the word “saudade” wish means to miss or to long for someone or something.

I love this music, I feel it is the missin link between Bossa Nova and Flamenco. It Is a beautiful music, where the voice of the fadista (mainly a woman) is the protagonist.

I would love to go to Lisboa and hear Fado alive in that beautiful city.

Monday, 23 August 2010

My experience in the first term two thousand ten was very hard. All the people who study filmmaking know that the second year of this degree is really difficult, because the subject called Taller is very demanding, and its demands a lot of time. In this year we have to make a documentary, so the first term we have to work and prepare a Documentary Project, wish it could be selected by the professors to be realized the second term. Besides to make a documentary project you have to realize the exercises of documentary (interviews, visual descriptions etc.)

But, I have to say that the last semester was difficult, but it was fruitful. I learned a lot in the subject called Comunicación Interpresonal (with professor Corrales) I learned a lot about psychology. Some people said that we, as filmmaking students, don’t have to read and learn about communication and psychology. But I think is completely necessary understand the human communication because, as professor Arancibia is teaching us, the communication and the way of thinking create the culture, the society and the relationship with the power.

And, in taller and the subject called Cine Documental, I learn about the Documentary and how complex (and beautiful I think) could be work in documentaries.