Wednesday, 19 May 2010

and, in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make

I love many bands and solist, I listen many styles of music, but The Beatles has a special place in my heart, and my itunes and lastfm list. They are the most important band in my life. I feel them so close to me. It could be because I have seen lots of concerts, movies and documentaries about them, so I feel almost like a part of my family. John, Paul, George and Ringo have created a myth with their personality and they way of they composed song and perform like a band.

When I listen to them, I just can be happy. Their lyrics and music makes me smile and dancing (although sometimes I just can dance in my mind). I love them so much that I don’t have a favourite song, or album. I don’t have a favo.rite Beatles neither (almost every beatles-fan has one).

From their first record to their last, everyone had something special. The first albums (Please Please me, With the Beatles) are very pop and they are very similar to other records in the 60’s, but the voice of Paul and John started to get power, and the guitar of George started to get its own personality. The ones in the middle (Rubber Soul, Revolver, Sgt. Pepper) got the “really beatles style” I think, their lyrics are funny and ironical, they invented lots of characters (like nowhere man, eleanor rigby, yellow submarine) the music started to mixed with new sounds, and the style of each Beatle started to get to own develop. And the last ones (White Album, Abbey Road) I don’t know how to define it. Because each Beatle had is own style and sound, and other things (like yoko ono may be) makes the relationship between beatles get worst. The White Album is a group of songs, but not a record made by a band. But in the Abbey Road (the last album) I can feel the need of John, Paul, George and Ringo to make the last and best album ever. They know that they have to separated u.u They left all the good things that they have created in all the years together in that record.

Thursday, 06 May 2010

It’s really hard for me to talk about my favorite movie because I don’t have one. It’s really hard for anyone that study filmmaking I think. There is a lot of really good movies that I love, and there is a lot of bad movies that I love too.

Well, I have to choose. I will talk about Memorias del Subdesarrollo directed by Tomás Gutierrez Alea, a Cuban producer. This film is about a intellectual and middle-class man called Sergio who live in Cuba after the Revolution, in the sixties.

He hates Cuba, he doesn’t feel like a normal Cuban. He knows he is much more intelligent and rich. He think the Cubans are too simples and without conscience.

It is a bit ironical because he hates cuba, but he don’t leave it. He knows he needs to stay there because in other country nobody will recognize hem and respect hem. In Cuba he has prestige and some kind of authority.

The paradox of Sergio is really interesting. He lives with a lot of questions about himself and Cuba. He is part of it, even he abhorrence it.

In the movie, the life of Sergio is mixed with extract of documentary film about Revolution. This generate the critical point of view of the Cuban bourgeoisie and he Revolution and its ideology.